Stock Up on Stacks' Pancakes

Stacks': The next time you wait in line to have brunch at a Stacks restaurant in Redwood City or Campbell, you'll come out ahead of the pack with this deal for $30 worth of food (we recommend the namesake pancakes) and drinks for $15.[Gilt City SF]

Roxy's Cafe: This new Mission District spot offers a dizzying array of smoothies and shakes (both dairy and dairy-free); try a few with this half-off deal with code ($10 maximum discount). [Scoutmob]

Bistro Burger: LivingSocial has a more than half-off hamburger deal today ($15 in food for $7), but it's only available until noon. [LivingSocial]

This has been the 11 AM Deal Report, our twice weekly roundup of the best food and drink deals in the land. Got a deal you want included? Email it our way.

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