The Hits (And the Cash) Just Keep On Coming

Meg Whitman is running a new radio ad. It says Whitman is "the only reliable fiscal conservative in the (Governor's) race."  The spot implies that her Republican opponent Steve Poizner can't be trusted to protect Proposition 13, which caps property taxes.

Poizner responded with a TV commercial.  It says Whitman could have voted against higher taxes a hundred times during a 28 year period when she didn't bother to vote.

The media blitzes are draining campaign money but there's plenty more where it came from.  Billionaires Whitman and Poizner are said to have written big checks to their respective campaigns this week.  Poizner's donation was for $2.5 million dollars.  Whitman's check was for five million.  Neither check has been returned for insufficient funds.

Whitman has now funneled $64 million to her own campaign and you can bet more is coming before the June 8th primary.  Poizner has given his campaign $21.5 million. He'll be more generous to his political ambitions as well.

Both campaigns are engaging in their spending sprees for the same reason. Polls show that the race has tightened considerably, just as absentee ballots began arriving in the mail. 

So, when it comes to the ad wars, the hits just keep on coming. It will be a bloodied and less wealthy candidate who emerges next month to take on the Democrats.

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