Timeout on Crescent Heights

Crescent Heights, the developer of the dainty 720-unit building at 10th and Market, is still out foraging for cash to build, according to a story about the city's comatose construction.

The pile of rubble at mid-Market has been just that for months, and will likely stay that way for many more given the housing downturn, but it's actually kind of nice to hear the developer's still alive, no?

It's the same story for projects of all sorts here, but it's worse for the larger projects, whose numbers have experienced a "steep drop" at the Planning Department.

The projected construction doldrums of the next couple few several years will probably be a disappointment to rebar aficionados, who in sunnier times would otherwise have expected a flood of new housing and businesses to hit newly rezoned areas, including the Market and Octavia and the eastern neighborhoods— alas, it's all slim pickings from here on out.

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