
Marin County Compiles Breakdown of COVID-19 Data on New Website

NBC 5 News

Marin County Public Health officials have started a new web page presenting specifics about the novel coronavirus in that county, including numbers for infections, recoveries, hospitalizations and deaths.

The page ( includes breakdowns by demographic and geographic areas to help promote understanding of the factors associated with COVID-19 transmission. Public Health officials are consistently refining the page's data collection and analysis, sharing new information as it becomes available.

"It's been a big effort by our team, but providing this data to the public is one of the key successes of our COVID-19 response," said Benita McLarin, director of Marin Health and Human Services.

The website includes daily updates (posted by approximately 5 p.m.), cumulative case information, trends and charts. No personal or identifiable data is included. Created primarily by Public Health epidemiologists Bethany Dominik and Haylea Hannah, the site is responsive for tablet and smartphone use, and many of the charts are downloadable in spreadsheet form

"I think people are going to be excited to see the numbers of people who are recovered over time, because that's the real illustration of the flattening of the curve," Dominik said. "Lately there has been a lot of interest in the breakdown of cases by ethnicity. This site is also going to help researchers who are collecting statistics to track the trends."

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