
Santa Cruz Police Issue Citations for Violations of Stay at Home Order

NBC Universal, Inc. The Santa Cruz Police Chief is reinforcing the message that this is not the time to drive there from out of the area to hang out at the beach – and now officials are issuing citations to people who do. Thom Jensen reports.

The Santa Cruz Police Chief is reinforcing the message that this is not the time to drive there from out of the area to hang out at the beach – and now officials are issuing citations to people who do.

A group of young men from Fremont got $1,000 citations last week for violating the shelter in place order when they were spotted buying beer in Santa Cruz. The chief said the citations carry up to a $1,000 fine, but it will be up to the courts to decide home much the eventual charge might be.

Police in Santa Cruz are getting serious about the stay at home order -- over the weekend, they cited seven men from Fremont. Those citations are $1,000 each. Roz Plater reports.

The chief said they’re being aggressive. He tweeted out a picture of the men from Fremont with the hashtag “shelter in your own town.”

He says his officers have written dozens of citations, both to residents and visitors. He wants to hammer home the message to shelter in place where you are, and he said he’s not sure why people aren’t getting it.

“We’re serious about it,” he said. “Stay home. Don’t come down to Santa Cruz right now. After this is over, come down and enjoy the waves, the sunshine, the beach. But right now is not the time.”

At the beaches, the community is warning surfers to stay away, even though last week had perfect conditions.

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