Happy America Recycles Day

Do something good for the environment!

Today is America Recycles Day, and in honor of the nationwide  event, San Leandro officials are encouraging residents to recycle items  beyond the usual aluminum can or glass bottle.

Today, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Marina Community Center,  residents can recycle objects such as mercury-containing items, batteries and  electronic media including floppy disks, DVDs and toner cartridges.

 They can also bring in unneeded pharmaceuticals, which city  officials said can pollute local waterways if not disposed of properly.

Those who bring in a mercury thermometer will receive a new  digital thermometer at no cost. Other mercury-filled items include  thermostats and fluorescent lights, city officials said.

"Recycling is one of the easiest and most effective ways for San  Leandro residents to get involved in the city's efforts to protect the  environment," Mayor Stephen Cassidy said in a statement.

The national America Recycles Day campaign began in 1997.

 Marina Community Center is located at 15301 Wicks Blvd. in San  Leandro.
Bay City News

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