The following content is created in consultation with Mancini's Sleepworld. It does not reflect the work or opinions of NBC BAY AREA's editorial staff. To learn more about Mancini's Sleepworld, visit

What do the common cold, spiking blood pressure, weight gain, and decreased sex drive have in common? Believe it or not, inadequate sleep has the power to cause or exacerbate every one of these afflictions.

And while sufficient sleep really is something of a panacea, we know life’s stressors too often get in the way of a good night’s rest for many adults and that achieving a restful night of sleep is far easier said than done. Below, we offer solutions to the most common obstacles preventing you from getting the sleep you need to feel your best.

The Obstacle: So. Much. Stress.
The Solution: Stress is an inevitable fact of life, and while some stressors are beyond your control, you can certainly guide your brain and its synapses to calm you and wind you down when it’s time to hit the hay. For instance, in addition to all its widely known benefits, exercise also reduces stress hormones and increases endorphins which boosts your mood. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation are also effective tools for combating stress and improving sleep. Even the smell of lavender is linked to reduced stress and improved sleep, according to several studies. 

The Obstacle: You're a night owl
The Solution: Some folks are resigned to being self-described night owls, habitually active at night, hindering any possibility of becoming a “morning person” or achieving adequate sleep. The truth is it’s entirely possible to train yourself into becoming a morning person- in addition to adopting habits like exercise and relaxation techniques, try weaning yourself off those active late nights by gradually going to bed earlier and earlier (say, in 10 minute increments), until you reach your bedtime goal.

The Obstacle: You can’t shake your screen addiction
The Solution: Because screens provide a satisfying and immediate dopamine release, they are pretty addictive. We’re inclined to feed that addiction at night, despite the long-term drawbacks and disrupted sleep. Fortunately, there are ways to rein in your entertainment obsessions. First, keep in mind, binge-watching a TV series makes for a less rewarding experience. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people who binged enjoyed the shows less and missed subtle touches, so spread your Stranger Things over a week or two. As for other distractions, consider apps that discipline your YouTube and Facebook habits: StayFocusd, a Chrome browser add-on, allows you to set a limit on times you spend on certain sites. While you’re at it, you may want to disable YouTube’s recommended video function—that’s a big rabbit-hole portal right there.

The Obstacle: You’re a light sleeper
The Solution: It may require some initial investment but for those who are easily awakened by even the slightest noise or movement, technology has blessed consumers with a number of solutions. If your partner’s movement is the issue, a memory foam mattress will minimize motion transfer. You can also set up two twin mattresses on a king-sized bed frame. White noise machines are great for masking environmental noises that disrupt your sleep, and a pair of headphones and calming music or a sleep podcast can also work wonders. If you’re a side sleeper or you find headphones uncomfortable to sleep in, specifically-designed “sleep headphones” are now widely available, often resembling a comfortable fabric headband.

The Obstacle: You have insomnia
The Solution: Chronic insomnia is a disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of sleep difficulty. It is often compounded by a number of factors such as stress, or more serious traumatic events or family pressures. If you’ve tried solutions such as those we’ve discussed without any luck and your sleep difficulty lasts longer than four weeks, speak to your doctor to help you find the root cause and a solution.

Having a lumpy mattress is another poor excuse for losing sleep. Mancini’s Sleepworld can set you up with the mattress you need for a better night. Visit one of their 31 Northern California locations, or go to

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