28 Days Later, Harris Wins AG

Win makes for clean sweep for Democrats in statewide offices.

The November election was 28 days ago and it has taken all of this time to count the ballots for one of the closest races in state history. 

Tuesday, California's newly elected attorney general Kamala Harris accepted the job. She held her first victory news conference in Southern California before ending the day on her home turf in San Francisco

Harris is already promising to use the office to pursue a reform agenda on environmental, prison and consumer-protection issues. She says she will push to change the way the state punishes criminals, work to protect the environment and pursue predators she says are victimizing people who have lost their jobs.
Harris embraced her new role as she prepares to take over from fellow Democrat Jerry Brown, the governor-elect.

Her Republican opponent conceded the race last week.

Harris is the current district attorney of San Francisco.  She beat Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley.   It was a Giants/Dodgers-like battle with the orange and black coming out on top.

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