Add “Overheating in the Sun” to the iPad's List of Unexpected Woes

If you're one of the iPad's 300,000 tablet converts, here's a hot tip (pun intended) for you: keep your iPad out of the sun, or maybe cart an ice box around with you.

Some owners are complaining that their new Apple gadgets are shutting down when used out and about. PC Magazine editor Zach Honig even went so far as to stick his iPad in the fridge when he saw the warning, "iPad needs to cool down before you can use it." His iPad was up and running soon after (not that we're recommending this approach).

As spotted by the folks over at The Next Web, the iPad's operational temperature is listed by Apple as 32° to 95° F when on, with a nonoperational temp of -4° to 113° F. Those must be internal temperatures, though, as Honig was using his iPad outside in NYC, where it hasn't been much hotter than 70°.

This really highlights one of the two problems I constantly run into using Apple products. (The other, if you're curious, is that the company's batteries seem to frequently die or just lose charge faster than other devices.) Still, it's nice to know that even if the iPad is running hot on the inside, it's far more cool-to-the-touch than other Apple products have been.

CNET, via Geek Sugar

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