Apple COO Slams Android

It's not really a surprise that Apple Chief Operating Officer, and interim chief, Tim Cook slammed Android during Apple's latest earnings call -- the press event is about promoting your own products and brand. After slamming Windows-based operating system mobile devices, he turned on Android:

Then you have the Android tablets which are running an operating system that wasn’t really designed for a tablet.  Google has said this, and so this is not just an Apple view by any means.  And so basically, you wind up with a sort of a scaled-up smartphone, which is a bizarre product in our view. So frankly speaking, if a customer does a side-by-side comparison of one of these with an iPad it’s hard for me to understand why they wouldn’t select the iPad.

Of course not, Tim. And it's not like you have a vested interest in such a comment, or can't be objective about it, right? I mean, you are running Apple, so it's safe to assume that you would be open to other manufacturer's products. (Warning: Sarcasm.)

Apple did sell 7.3 million iPads from October through December 2010, which shows it's a popular product, but 2011 will likely be the year of the tablet with several groundbreaking models coming out to challenge the iPad. Whether any of them will be the infamous "iPad killer" remains to be seen.

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