Carsharing to the Rescue This Weekend

Bay Bridge closure cramping your style? Think about using a carsharing service

Bay Bridge closure cramping your Labor Day weekend plans? Take public transit and then rent wheels to get to your final destination.

Using a combination of public transportation and carsharing services like Zipcar and City CarShare may be the best option for residents who need to commute across the Bay this weekend. The Bay Bridge will close Thursday at 8 p.m. for a construction project, and will reopen Tuesday at 5 a.m.  

Residents who are interested in using either Zipcar or City CarShare complete an application online and wait for approval, which can take between a few days to a week depending on how easy it is to access the customer's driving record.

Then an electronic key is either sent to the customer by mail or is available in-store for pickup. After reserving a car online or over the phone, the customer picks up the car at a reserved parking spot and then returns it to the same parking spot after they are finished with it.

Zipcars are available in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and at Stanford University. The Zipcar store is located in San Francisco on Second Street downtown.

City CarShare cars are available in San Francisco and the East Bay.

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