Berkeley Votes to Protect Windsurfing

City Council approves of a plan that would increase ferry service to San Francisco but with a list of conditions

Berkeley's City Council has given cautious support to a ferry terminal, located near the city's fishing pier, that would connect the university town to San Francisco.

But the city's endorsement comes with a series of conditions, including not distrupting the flow of the windsurfers who frequent the area. The Berkeley City Council, who have have been known to take a unique stance or two, also ran out a set of 14 other conditions, including monitoring the environmental impact of the terminal and parking.

In true Berkeley fashion there was of course some protest to the idea. The Daily Cal quoted one resident as asking the council, "why would we support a ferry system that is less efficient than a single-person car?"

The terminal still needs an environmental impact report and federal funding before it can get off the ground.

But once realized, the plan would offer a much needed alternative to the problematic Bay Bridge. Ferries would connect San Francisco and Berkeley on weekends and during commuting hours.

 Curbed SF contributed to this story.

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