San Francisco International Airport

Broken Water Pipe Shuts Down Taxiway at San Francisco International Airport

Emergency repair work is underway at San Francisco International Airport after a water pipe broke near the end of one of the runways. Robert Handa reports.

Emergency repair work is underway at San Francisco International Airport after a water pipe broke near the end of one of the runways.

Constructive equipment and patched pavement was seen Monday over the broken pipe. SFO officials said the water break at the north end of the airport occurred Friday night.

The water break prompted the closure of a taxiway known as "Taxiway Zulu." The closure is not impacting airport operation and is not causing any delays, airport officials said.

It could take as long as two weeks to repair the pipe and repave the area.

SFO officials said closing the taxiway is not causing any delays at the airport.

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