Jerry Brown Makes His Case

California Attorney General Jerry Brown, once the 34th governor of the state of California, is running on the Democratic ticket in the 2010 gubernatorial race and could now become the 39th governor.

In a Friday interview, he said he's different, more grounded and more patient than in 1975, when he was first elected governor. Brown is now nearly 72 years old, married, and said he's learned the importance of working with legislators.

"Well, obviously I like this kind of work, I understand the politics, I understand government," Brown said. "And I think with the right leadership, with honesty and working across the political aisle, like it used to be, when Republicans and Democrats worked together, I think we can pull this thing off. And that's what drives me."

In the 1970s, Brown preached the era of limits, rejected living in the governor's mansion, and was called "Governor Moonbeam."

He also dated a famous singer.

"Well, do you think it's quirky to take Linda Ronstadt to Africa? I don't think so," Brown said.

The former governor seemed to downplay partisan theatrics.

"I can remember, at the old mansion, my mother and father entertaining legislators, Republican sitting next to a Democrat, smoking a cigar, having a brandy, talking over stuff," Brown said. "You know we can do that again. And I would do that again."

Brown said he would focus on honest answers in fixing the budget. As for Republican Meg Whitman's claim that she can whittle the workforce by 40,000 employees, Brown said "I think she ought to have more briefings with her consultants."

"This a little different than it is over there at that auction house," Brown said. Whitman is the former CEO of eBay.

Brown said he would enforce the death penalty, supports same-sex marriage and opposes legalizing pot.And he's ready, he says, for the challenge.

"I'm very excited," Brown said. "I'm excited because I know now what I didn't know then."

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