Monkey See, Monkey Do? Officers on Alert for Primate

If you notice something with no opposable thumbs in your yard, call animal control

Animal control officers have an unusual task on their to-do list Wednesday. 

They are on the prowl for a primate who has been spotted not once but twice in Marin County

"This is definitely a first for us," humane society spokeswoman Carrie Harrington told Bay City News.

A small monkey was first reported by a school bus driver in Novato Tuesday morning.

He called animal control after seeing what he swears was a foot-and-a-half tall monkey with a long tail at 8:15 a.m.  He said it was in the area of Captain Nurse Circle.

Marin Animal Control confirmed that was one of two sightings Tuesday.   Another woman called them after her daughter told her she saw a monkey in the same general area.

The woman said she didn't think much of her daughter's "Mommy I see a monkey" comment until she heard press reports of the bus driver's account.

The sightings were enough to send officers out to check it out.

If true, the monkey probably got free from someone who was keeping it as a pet.


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