San Francisco

California Voters Reject Measure Threatening Governor's Megaprojects

California voters narrowly voted to reject a ballot initiative that could have threatened two of Gov. Jerry Brown's megaprojects, succumbing to the governor's campaign against the measure, the latest results showed Tuesday.

Brown had thrown his campaign clout and campaign funds into defeating Proposition 53, which would have required California-wide votes on state projects costing $2 billion or more in revenue bonds.

Returns show the measure was losing by a 51-to-49 percent margin.

Brown's appearances in TV and radio ads, recorded phone calls and campaign events in the final days before the Nov. 8 election may have helped tip what was a tight vote statewide on Proposition 53.

One of the areas casting a decisive "no" vote was Los Angeles County, where residents would benefit from both of Brown's proposed projects. It was one of the urban areas where Brown's commercials against the measure were in heavy play.

Brown had contended the measure could cut local control of projects. A nonpartisan review by California's Legislative Analyst's Office said Brown's proposals for $64 billion in high-speed rail connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles and $15.7 billion for two giant north-south water tunnels would likely be among the few projects big enough to be affected.

Central Valley farmer and canner Dean "Dino" Cortopassi had put the finance measure on the state ballot.

An outspoken child of Italian immigrants, Cortopassi had called state revenue bonds for big projects "cockroach debt." He argued they needed voter oversight.

The Stockton farmer spent about $4 million getting the question on the state ballot, but only about $1 million promoting it. Brown and the state Democratic Party were the lead contributors in the $23 million campaign against the measure.

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