Coked-Up Women Wanted

Cocaine addicts usually prefer to hide in the shadows. But now there's a call for women using cocaine to admit their use -- and get paid for it.

An ad posted on Craigslist this week is calling for women who are using the drug.

If you are female, at least 18 years old, currently use cocaine, and are in good health, you may be eligible to participate in a confidential non-treatment research study being conducted at the San Francisco VA to investigate impulsivity. All participants are compensated for their time.

In "good health"? Doesn't snorting coke make one unhealthy? Attention washed-up, strung-out Hollywood stars: we're talking to you.

The ad surfaced the same week news of a treatment for cocaine addiction. Researchers recently tested the vaccine -- in the form of a shot -- and found it works by stimulating the body to develop antibodies.

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