San Jose

Crews Brace for Rainy Season, Work to Prevent Flooding in San Jose

The work continues to prevent a repeat of this year’s catastrophic floods in San Jose. The affected neighborhoods are bracing for the return of the rainy season. Damian Trujillo reports.

The work continues to prevent a repeat of this year's catastrophic floods in San Jose. The affected neighborhoods are bracing for the return of the rainy season.

Local leaders hope a temporary berm will minimize the flood threat in the Rocksprings Community of San Jose. The berm is located in the same area where the Coyote Creek jumped its banks in February, sending flood waters into people's homes.

Hundreds of residents had to be rescued and the victims hope everything will be completed in time to ensure the floods do not happen again.

The Santa Clara Valley Water District  concedes the berm is only a band aid solution.

"The berm is a temporary fix. It's not a permanent fix," said John Varella, board chair for the water district. "The long-term fix would be a 100-year flood prevention project."

The long-term solution, however, is still years and hundreds of millions of dollars away. For now, the berm will have to do.

Crews also spent the summer clearing brush and debris from the Coyote Creek. The district is also working on better guidelines for releasing water from the Anderson Dam. The dam water is what caused Coyote Creek to swell.

"We know we have a lot of work to do," Mayor Sam Liccardo said. "We have a lot we need to fix. We're fixing the most immediate issues."

The city and water district on Friday agreed on a joint emergency-action plan to fight future floods. It includes a color coded alert system, with red symbolizing it is time to get out.

Along with the berm, crews are scheduled to install temporary flood wall to keep the creek from flooding streets.

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