
Damages Caused by Water Main Break in San Mateo Still Being Repaired

San Mateo school closed after water main break on Thursday morning. Kris Sanchez reports.

Crews are still working on repairing damages caused by the breakage of a 24-inch water main in San Mateo Thursday. Cal Water hoped they can clean the mess on St. Matthews's Catholic School's campus on time for Sunday mass and Monday class.

The school's gym, which was brand new, was flooded causing the school to cancel classes for the day. Homes and cars nearby, along Aragon Blvd, were also flooded.

"Oh God, that’s where my car was parked," said resident Colin Aspin.

It took 12 hours for the water flow to slow down and crews had to wait to start to dig in to repair the line that broke and figure out the reason that it failed. The pipe was 2 feet across, making the breakage very damaging.

"My son's car is almost under water," said Michael Aspin. "I yell to him, 'Put some pants on, forget your shoes, and go out and get your car out of there.'"

Many residents in the area had feet of water in the basement of their homes, making them question whether or not their insurance would cover the damages.

According to NBC Bay Area's Consumer Investigative Unit, car flooding is almost always covered and flooding inside the home is covered when it's caused by a leaky dishwater or broken water heater.

However, in this case, flooding caused by another agency, like Cal Water, may not be covered as the insurance company could argue the water district is liable.

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