Denver Comes to Bay Area Dog Rescue

The Bay Area prides itself on being dog-friendly, so it may come as a surprise that dozens of unwanted animals are being shipped out of state.

The breed of dog in need of rescue is the Chihuahua.

Colorado is the latest state to come to the little dog's rescue. 

One Chihuahua-lover dipped into her own pocket to pay to fly 100 of them to the Denver Dumb Friends League.

The first shipment of 32 Chihuahuas arrived Saturday courtesy of Leslie Capin.

A Chihuahua explosion here in the Golden State is being blamed on non other than Paris Hilton.

Earlier this month Bay Area animal control officers called it the "Paris Hilton Syndrome." They say the popularity of "pocket" dogs like the Chihuahua has grown because people see celebs like Hilton carrying them around in adorable little pink handbags.

Apparently breeders have over supplied the current demand which has lead to too many of the miniature pets.

The San Francisco rescue group Grateful Dogs has 66 foster animals right now, and 31 of them are Chihuahuas.

Bay Area officials say the problem is quickly getting out of control.

Lori Preuitt wonders if others say "chi hoo-ah-hoo-ah" out loud every time they spell out this particular dog breed.

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