
Dublin Residents Call to Have Rainbow Flag Fly at City Hall

Dozens of residents gathered at Dublin City Hall to question why the rainbow flag was not being flown on the first on June, which celebrates the behinning of pride month. Marianne Favro reports.

Dozens of people met at Dublin City Hall Saturday to question why the rainbow flag was not being flown on the first of June which marks the beginning of Pride Month.

Residents said the decision made by the City Council to not fly the rainbow flag shows the city needs to be more inclusive.

"The city won’t do it officially, so we are going to raise our own flags," said resident Stephen Wright. "That is what we believe should be happening in Dublin City Hall."

On Tuesday,the city council will consider a new outdoor flag display policy and will hold a special meeting to address the request to fly the rainbow flag.

"This was absolute in no way as any type of suppression of the LGBT community," said Dublin Mayor David Haubert.

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