New Earthquake Maps Now Live Online

Big unveiling is tomorrow, but you can check them out right now.

You can check your street address to see if you are in a worry zone when it comes to earthquakes.

A new earthquake zone map is now available on line that will show you if you are in an area that is on or near an active fault.

The maps were produced by the California Geological Survey, not the U.S. Geological Survey, and are meant to help protect public safety.

Click here to find your home or business.

The CGS says planners use them to ensure homes and buildings aren't built right on top of California’s known active faults. The maps are also used in real estate transactions as part of the disclosure packet.

"California is earthquake country," Dr. John Parrish. "If people are purchasing property, they need to know whether they’re in an Earthquake Fault Zone, and thus are in an area of increased risk to surface fault rupture. Using this tool, they can find out whether they’re in a community that has been zoned. If not, they don’t have to think about it anymore. If they are in a zoned city or county, then they can take a closer look at the maps."

The scientists will talk about what they show during a Thursday news conference in Sacramento.

If you look at the red squares that show the danger zones, there are more places with the red blocks than there are safe areas.

  When it comes to the most populated areas, there are only a few random neighborhoods that appear to be in a safe zone. They are around Campbell and South San Jose and one just north of Sunnyvale near Moffett Field. And it's worth noting that the entire city of San Francisco appears to be in the clear

 The California Geological Survey says the maps are delineated through December 2010 under what's called the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act.

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