Donald Trump

Elected Officials Join Hundreds in SF Rally For Health Care

Democrats nationwide are launching a stand against changes to President Barack Obama’s health care law. On Sunday, they held rallies, including one in San Francisco, calling for a day of action before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Laura Malpert reports.

Democrats nationwide are launching a stand against changes to President Barack Obama's health care law. On Sunday, they held rallies, including one in San Francisco, calling for a day of action before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

At the City Hall rally, which lasted about an hour and a half, Democrats pledged to make this "first stand" in what's expected to be a long, bitter battle over health care.

Carrying handmade signs and wearing miniature American flags, hundreds gathered at Civic Center Plaza. Local elected officials led the rally.

"Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress want to tear down the ACA, destroy Medicare and Medicaid and defund Planned Parenthood," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said. "Their plan is to make America sick again."

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee also was on hand and said it's a shame that so much progress might be wiped out by politically motivated Republicans.

"Sadly today, we find ourselves in a place where we need to worry whether our lowest income residents will have insurance," he said. "We have to worry about our moderate income families who might start forgoing insurance to help pay for groceries."

Trump has vowed to overturn and replace Obamacare, and Republicans have already taken the first steps in the process.

"Republicans don't have a plan," Pelosi said. "You know what their plan is? Cut and run. Cut the health coverage for working families and run.

Bernie Miller of Concord came to show his support.

"My stepson three years ago died of leukemia just before Obamacare went into effect, and if he'd had Obamacare, perhaps he wouldn't have died," Miller said.

Salamah Locks, a nurse for 35 years, said she's seen firsthand how the Affordable Care Act can help.

"It appalls me that we would take away insurance from those who need it," she said. "Insurance that has actually saved lives."

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