Facebook, Texts Are Breeding Ground for Harassment: Study

A new survey says that nearly half of middle and high schools students in America have been sexually harassed by a classmate thanks in large part to social media or smartphones.

The study by the American Association of University Women found that 56 percent of almost 2,000 students surveyed said they have been subjected to some form of sexual harassment via social media, text or physical groping.

A large percentage of those attacks came from social media sites, such as Facebook. Other students said they were slurred or harassed via text messages.

Students typically reported being called "gay" or "lesbian" or having a fellow student make an unwanted sexual advance via text message or social media.

The survey involved 1,002 girls and 963 boys from both public and private schools from across the country.

The students were asked whether they had experienced sexual harassment and how it made them feel or impacted their school work

About a third of those surveyed said the harassment made them feel sick and other reported avoiding school.

To read the full survey for yourself, visit the AAUW's website.

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