Facebook's New Parking Crunch in Palo Alto

It's like a house party on your block every day

Facebook's new campus in Palo Alto was welcome news -- for awhile.  Now neighbors who live around the College Terrace neighborhood are telling the Mercury News it is like they are living on a street with a neighbor holding a party every day of the week.

When the new California Avenue campus held its grand opening back in May they held a little open house for the neighbors.  That went over well, but now that the hundreds of new employees are showing up for work and parking on nearby streets things are getting a little ugly.

Once open parking even blocks away is now clogged from morning to late afternoon Monday through Friday.

A Facebook spokesperson told the paper it is working on the problem and is looking for annex parking at nearby Stanford Research Park. It is also directing employees to go to another lot and providing shuttles into work.

Now residents who were once against the idea of parking permits for certain streets say they are liking that idea more and more.

One resident told the Merc that he thinks his neighbors will be able to stay patient and give the company a chance to fix the problem.  But he said the clock is ticking.

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