
Finals Will Go On After Fire at Fremont's Washington High

A fire broke out at a Fremont high school early Wednesday affecting two classrooms, but not the final exam schedules. Kris Sanchez reports.

A fire broke out at a Fremont high school early Wednesday affecting two classrooms, but not the final exam schedules.

According to the fire department’s division chief Diane Hendry, the Washington High School one-alarm fire at 3:30 a.m. started in the janitor’s closet after something was smoldering for a while. The flames were contained to the closet, but smoke and water damaged the hallway and science room. She did not think it was set on purpose.

Despite the smell of smoke, Fremont Unified School District Supt. James Morris said classes, and end-of-year finals, will go on as usual. Thursday is the last day of school.

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