Foster City

Activists Protest Foster City's Plan to Kill 100 Geese Over Poop Problem, Health Risk

NBC Universal, Inc.

Animal rights activists are not giving up in a fight to stop the killing of 100 geese on the Peninsula. Ian Cull reports.

Animal rights activists are not giving up in a fight to stop the killing of 100 geese on the Peninsula.

Foster City, however, continues to move forward with the plan to cull the birds due to a host of problems, including a health risk.

"Everyone is full stream ahead on this and it seems like no matter what we say, they don't want to change their mind," said activist Erik Allen with the group Direct Action Everywhere.

About 40 protesters gathered Monday in front of city hall and later marched to the home of a councilmember to have their voices heard. The demonstrators said plans to kill the geese are inhumane.

Foster City said the geese poop all over parks, sidewalks, and in waterways, which has created a health risk.

The Canada goose population has doubled in recent years to more than 300. City leaders said they have exhausted non-lethal options and voted last week to get the permits to kill up to a third -- or 100 of them -- and stop the problem.

"Foster City has an obligation to protect the community from the potential health hazards posed by the overabundant Canada goose population, while also continuing to offer safe and sanitary parks and open spaces," the city said in a statement.

Resident Bob Cala has seen seen the geese issue ramp up over the 45 years he has lived in Foster City.

"They're fun to look at, but all they do is eat and poop," Cala said. "It's sad. I could never be a hunter or a fisherman, I don't like that. But they're filthy and dirty, and we have to think a little bit about the humans too."

Foster city leaders have proposed killing Canadian geese that are causing a poop problem, but some people are unhappy with the possible solution. Ian Cull reports.

Meanwhile, many believe the creature cull is cruel.

"There's better solutions than just killing innocent animals," resident Muneeb Kahn said.

Allen adds that an "overwhelming majority of Foster City residents don't want this. Why don't they put it on the ballot?"

City officials on Monday said they do not have a signed agreement with a contractor to proceed with killing the geese. It is not known when it will begin or how it will be done, according to the city.

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