Free People Finder Jewelry Offered in South Bay

Wandering or getting lost is one of the biggest fears of Alzheimer's families.

If you have a person with dementia or Alzheimer's in your life and you live in the South Bay, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department has a new tool to help them help you keep track of your loved one.

The sheriff's office is offering free bracelets that will help them find your loved one if they ever get lost. The device is free, but you'll need to sign up with EmFinder, a company in Texas, to make it active and that will cost you $25 a month. 

 “Given our location in the heart of the high-tech capital of the world, it’s only natural that we do our best to deploy the most advanced technology available to ensure safety, security and peace of mind for our residents.” Nat Bowditch, Sheriff’s Search and Rescue EmSeeQ Device Coordinator said.

If someone who is wearing the bracelet becomes lost, the caregiver calls 911 to start the search process. The bracelet provides its location to emergency officials who can quickly locate the person. It's cellular-based, so it works indoors and outdoors.

The device was tested in Santa Clara County prior to the partnership and sheriffs say it helped them in three area rescues. Two were in San Jose and one was in Milpitas.

If you would like to get one of the free devices, call 408-450-3100 or visit this link.

The office has fewer than 100 of the bracelets, so call now if you want one. Once the free ones are gone, you can still buy them from EmFinders.

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