Gas Attendants Find Credit Card Skimmers in Walnut Creek

Two gas attendants in Walnut Creek found credit card skimmers at their stations. Police are urging drivers to keep tabs on their bank accounts. Jean Elle reports.

Credit card skimmers were found inside two gas pumps in Walnut Creek, and now, police are warning drivers to keep tabs on their bank accounts.

An attendant at the Chevron on Ygnacio Valley Road and N. Main Street found the credit card skimmer Tuesday morning during a pump check.  Then, on Wednesday an attendant at the Valero on Ygnacio Valley Road and N. Broadway found a similar device inside a pump.

Walnut Creek Police Detective Mike Hurlbut says the skimmer can be installed fast and it stores credit and debit card information.

"It's a filter inserted between the card and the drive itself so the number was diverted into skimming device where it was saved," he said.

Hurlbut said drivers should take a good look at a pump before paying with plastic.

"Is the lock broken? Does the door swing wide open? Are there exposed wires does the door look busted?" he said.
Police don't know if there are other skimmers installed in other pumps around the Bay Area. They are urging drivers to keep tabs on their bank accounts while officers review hours of survelliance tape looking for the person who is opening gas pumps and installing skimmers.

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