George Clooney Comes to Stanford

If you enjoy staring at pretty things, Monday night you have an excuse to feel good about it.

Hollywood megahunk, and a man known for having a bleeding heart, George Clooney will be in town and on full display.

The former "E.R." star will join author John Prendergast at Stanford University but the pair will not be talking about the magic of filmmaking.

Instead the two will speak about the ongoing challenges facing the people of Sudan, who are still recovering from a bloody civil war and a conflict dubbed a genocide and the worst humanitarian crisis of the modern century by former United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Clooney has longed worked at raising awarness about the struggles of Sudan, even producing a movie about the conflict. He is currently pushing a campaign to inform people about an upcoming referundum vote about whether the country should be split into two sovereign states.

Clooney and Prendergast will speak at 7 p.m. in the Cubberley Auditorium, 485 Lasuen Mall.

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