39 Percent Use Smartphones in the Bathroom

Thirty-nine percent of people use smartphones in the bathroom, 33 percent while watching TV and about a third would give up chocolate rather than their smartphone, a survey from Google Mobile Ads reported.

The survey sums up the main uses are still Internet browsing (81 percent,) general search (77 percent,) app use (68 percent) and video (48 percent) while also stating that most of the use (93 percent) happens at home. Another imperative for mobile advertisers are that smartphone users generally take action action with 24 hours of a search (88 percent,) so that means mobile search is far more immediate than other media.

While the survey of 5,013 users was supposed to educate advertisers on all the mobile ad opportunities out there, I think it just showed how addicted smartphone users are. While some say that means we're multitaskers, I think it's that we don't can concentrate on one thing anymore.

Twenty-two percent use their smartphones while reading the newspaper -- how can one do that? I'm assuming that means looking at the television, newspaper or the bathroom while using most of one's attention on a tiny handheld screen. That's not really watching TV, reading the newspaper or whatever it is you're supposed to be doing in the bathroom (Eeuuww!)

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