Lousy Lawns Let Cities Grow Green

San Francisco looking at homeowners' lawns

Owning a home in San Francisco doesn't mean you just sweep the front walkway. Now, it may require watering city-owned trees.

The City wants to heighten its greening requirements for property owners, forcing them to water and maintain street trees.

The requirements could get tougher, according to the Examiner.

Under the the new legislation passed by the planning commission, the Department of Public Works could penalize property owners whose trees are not established after three years. After that period, a tree should be able to live off rain and no longer need watering.

The planning commission approved the idea in a 5-2 vote, with some commissioners concerned about water usage. 

The penalties can reach several hundred dollars in addition to the cost of replacing the trees.

In addition, dead street trees would have to be replaced within six months.

The proposed greening requirements on property owners add to a bevy of other city laws cracking down on appearances in the City --- like a mandate to clean up graffiti within a certain time frame or facing penalties.

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