Injured Soldier's Service Dog Lost in San Jose

The missing dog's owner is a wounded soldier who has done two tours in Iraq

Damian Trujillo reports on the all out search for a lost dog named Lobo who is the constant companion of a wounded veteran in San Jose.

The search is on for a service animal that got spooked and ran away from his owner Tuesday afternoon in San Jose's Berryessa neighborhood.

The dog named "Lobo" has been the constant companion of 16-year Army veteran Jeff Wilson for the past two years.

Wilson is on crutches and couldn't run after Lobo after something frightened him while the two were in the driveway of Wilson's Berryessa home.

Wednesday, two scent dogs and a small group of humans joined the hunt for Lobo. The dog has been sighted in the area, but he keeps running from his would-be rescuers.

The last sighting was at Berryessa and Flickinger in San Jose.

Lobo and Wilson got together thanks to the Gilroy-based group Operation Freedom Paws, which partners wounded vets and service animals. Wilson is a trainer there.

Operation Freedom Paws said on its Facebook page that, "(Lobo) needs his Jeff, and his Jeff needs him."

Operation Freedom Paws says it "empowers veterans and others with disabilities to live a quality life." It was founded in 2010 in Gilroy and was given a CNN Hero Award in 2011.

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