San Diego

Last Sign Warning of Immigrants Crossing Still Stands 20 Years Later on Interstate 5

The image was born after over 100 people were struck and killed on the freeway

The iconic sign of running immigrants posted on Interstate 5 in San Diego now borders on being extinct, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The yellow sign features a silhouette of a family running with "CAUTION" looming over their heads. Authorities installed 10 signs during the 1990s to warn drivers of immigrants crossing the freeway.

Over 100 people were struck and killed on the freeway in prior years, prompting officials to create and post the signs, according to the Times.

In 1986, Department of Homeland Security reported that 628,000 people were detained at the border. Last year, that number lingered just under 32,000.

Since their installment, the warning has represented a much larger idea for all who came across it. For designer John Hood, he hoped that the image would “tug at the heart,” the Times reported. Others have since reimagined the sign by altering the family’s appearance. Even street artist Banksy recreated the image, anchoring a kite to the running father's hand.

The other signs slowly disappeared after being dispersed along the road, stated the Times - a consequence of car accidents and graffiti.

While it is unknown how much longer the image will be standing, there are no plans to replace it, according to the Times. Even after the sign disappears from the side of the freeway though, the outline will continue to survive as a photo instillation at the National Museum of American History in Washington D.C.

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