Donald Trump

GoFundMe Campaign Raises Money For Massive, Chinese-Imported ‘Trump Chickens' Ahead of Tax Day March

"Donald Trump is being a huge chicken for not releasing his tax returns. We think he's the biggest chicken in the world"

GoFundMe has helped raise funds for surgeries for cancer patients, classroom supplies for cash-strapped teachers, and now, giant inflatable chickens, which are suposed to fly above Tax Day marches planned in San Francisco and across the country Saturday.

"We raised the money for the 10-foot chicken in less than an hour and hatched it for the first time at 'The Barn' in the quiet neighborhood of Bayview on the evening of March 13, 2017," Anne Pruett wrote in an updated post about her fundraiser.

A political statement aiming to "give Donald the bird," the chickens have gained popularity among Tax Day march organizers in Seattle, Chicago, Washington D.C. and more as they post photos of their newly "hatched" Trump inflatables. 

"Donald Trump is being a huge chicken for not releasing his tax returns,"  Pruett wrote as an explanation to the trending campaign. "We think he's the biggest chicken in the world."

Sporting a golden mane, the giant chickens were sold in China, where they widely appeared during the Chinese New Year celebrations.

While her request for $1,000 was fulfilled within the hour, donations streamed in for the weeks that followed

"This page was so wildly over funded we decided to push for the biggest chicken at 30 feet tall!" Pruett excitedly wrote in an update, later posting a chicken being blown up in Guangdon, China.

More than doubling the initial goal at $2,597 raised, organizers sprung for not one, but three giant birds at six, 13 and 33 feet tall.

Pruett also writes that they may have a fourth chicken given to them from another march.

"We have 10 other chickens going out to cities across the nation," Anne Pruett wrote on Tax March San Francisco‘s Facebook page. "On April 15 we’re going to give him the bird. Let’s show everyone that our president is the biggest chicken in the world for not releasing his tax returns."

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