Morgan Hill

Morgan Hill Imposes Water Restrictions Amid Extreme Drought

NBCUniversal Media, LLC This week’s drought monitor update increased the coverage of exceptional drought in the Bay Area. Meteorologist Rob Mayeda reports.

Morgan Hill is officially at a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage, as declared on Wednesday's city council meeting, meaning the city plans to cut consumer demands by 21 to 40 percent to preserve water supplies.

The city is requiring residents to limit their irrigation use, with certain restrictions on watering duration, days and times.

Lawn and garden watering can only occur for 15 minutes a day per value, either before 9 a.m. or after 7 p.m., with limited runoff. Odd numbered addresses or properties with no address can only water on Mondays and Thursdays, while even numbered addresses can water on Tuesdays and Fridays.

The drought continues to grow with 26.04% of California now in an exceptional drought. You’ll see in the maps below the worst level of drought is now focused over the North and East Bay. Chief Meteorologist Jeff Ranieri reports.

Businesses also have their own set of restrictions depending on the industry. Restaurants can only provide water upon request, hotels must provide the option for guests to decline changing their sheets and towels and construction sites must use non-drinkable water for activities.

Morgan Hill City Manager Christina Turner said it has been a dry year. As the county depends on 50% of its water to come from other places, the region's little rainfall and the Sierra Nevada's minimal snowpack greatly impacts Morgan Hill's water supplies.

"The restrictions in place now are meant to avert an even worse crisis in the future. Conservation and a minimal water use mindset are a part of life for all of us," Turner said.

Details on restrictions, advice and resources are available via

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