Name the San Jose Falcons Contest

Four baby falcons who call the top of San Jose City Hall home have finally hatched and now need names.

Children ages 5 to 18 who live or go to school in San Jose are eligible to enter the falcon naming contest by submitting an essay, video, song, or piece of artwork.

Winners will receive Happy Hollow Park & Zoo passes, a commendation from San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed at a future city council meeting, and a school assembly featuring Glenn Stewart, a member of the UC Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group.

All this in addition to falcon-naming bragging rights.

According to the mayor’s ffice, Clara the peregrine falcon and her mate, Fernando El Cohete, took up residence in a nestbox on the 18th floor of City Hall in 2012. Since then, their story has attracted fans from around the globe.

Contestants have until midnight on April 25 to submit a name for one of the falcon chicks.  Submissions are being accepted online or by mail: Falcon Naming c/o Mayor’s Office
200 E. Santa Clara St., 18th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113. More information can be found at

The best names for the chicks are then chosen by the San Jose Peregrine Falcon Alliance, a group of volunteers that look after the birds at city hall.

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