San Jose

New Jobs, Tech Expansion Fuel More Silicon Valley Traffic

Tech expansion and new jobs will not help with severe traffic issues that continue to plague Silicon Valley. Scott Budman reports.

The South Bay tech economy is hotter than ever with Samsung just moving in, Paypal growing and Apple about to build.

But with the tech expansion comes new jobs, which means traffic issues that have plagued the Silicon Valley will not get any better anytime soon.

San Jose just welcomed QCT, a data storage company that plans to hire 300 people -- all of whom will have to drive to and from work. City officials said they are looking to expand transit option like BART.

In addition, city officials said they are working to get higher-density housing built along transit corridors where people can get to work and back.

Solutions for the expected increase in traffic will take some time. BART is not due in the area until 2016 and officials are still talking about bringing high-speed rail to the Bay Area.

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