New Year's Parking Tips

Culled from Finding The Sweet Spot's site, they have a detailed map of meters and zones, as well as a grid showing exactly where the holiday enforcement is in effect. Consider yourself warned.


Everything is enforced on New Year's Eve. But only until 12:00 am, when it becomes Saturday which is the New Year Holiday.


What Will Not Be Enforced on New Year's Day:
- Commuter Tow-Away
- Residential Permit
- M-F Daytime Street Sweeping
- 7 Day Street Sweeping
- Parking Meters (Caution: Meters WILL BE ENFORCED at Port Authority Meters!)*

What Will Be Enforced on New Year's Day
- Port Authority Parking Meters are enforced 365 days a year
- Blue Curbs
- White Curbs (But, only during business hours)
- Green Curbs
- Yellow Curbs (Only if the sign says Saturdays and if the business is open)
- Other violations such as parking on the sidewalk, fire hydrants, parking in the middle of Dolores Park, etc.


Parking on Sunday January second is just like parking on any other Sunday.

On Monday, however, it may still feel like a holiday, you may not have to work, you may still be hung over, and with all of the holiday cheer you may have lost track of what day it is.  But it in the eyes of the DPT, it's Monday. A Workday, and $250,000 worth of parking tickets will be issued. Everything is enforced as usual. It's a new year and the DPT needs your money.

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