Newly Hatched SJ Falcons Need Names

San Jose opens naming contest for City Hall falcon chicks

The most famous bird brains in San Jose are parents once again and now comes the hard part -- names.

The fourth egg of Clara and Esteban Colbert, the famed peregrine falcons who live atop San Jose City Hall, hatched last week. As promised, the city has opened up the naming rights for the new chicks in the form of a contest.

The contest is open for kids between ages 5-18.  Submissions can be in the form of an essay, artwork, video or song. Kids who wants to toss in their suggestions need to submit them by May 1 via snail mail or email.

A panel of judges will decide on finalists and the top names will be open for an online vote. Winners will not only have their prize of a flying tribute to their idea, but also will receive a commendation from the Mayor at a City Council meeting, a falcon T-shirt and an assembly for their school featuring Glenn Stewart of the UC Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group for their school.

Watch the falcons in their home via the SJ FalconCam.

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