Nope, You Can't Tour the Golden Gate Bridge

It's sad when good ideas for bad

We aren't going to be able to tour the tippy top of the Golden Gate Bridge after all.

Bridge officials pitched the idea back in November, but scrapped it last week.  The idea had many of us dreaming of zipping up the top of the bridge for a once in a lifetime view. The district went so far as to put out a request for qualifications for the tours and heard back from six firms.  No matter though. The deal will not be made.

On Friday, bridge district spokeswoman Mary Currie blamed current construction projects.  She told the Associated Press that tours would interfere with the seismic retrofit as well as the recoat work of the the main cable.

Those projects require closing sidewalks as well as overhead construction on the bridge's towers and cables.

The tours were among a number of proposals intended to help the bridge district plug an estimated $132 million deficit.

Australia's Sydney Harbour Bridge was the model for the proposal.  Aussies pay $240 for a tour of that structure.  The Golden Gate idea never got to the cost  portion of the plan.

This means maintenance crews, who climb the bridge all the time on painting and inspection projects, will remain the only lucky ones who get to see the view only the Golden Gate can provide.

 Bridge officials say they will now focus on expanding visitor facilities and services in the bridge's southeast visitor area.  Those don't sound nearly as fun.

Lori Preuitt would have paid the money.

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