Obama Coming to Oakland

Oakland may have a tarnished reputation but behind all the negative press and flashing police lights…many Oakland residents have what President Obama needs, money.

Despite Oakland’s tarnished reputation, but people still come to the city for one thing – money. The President will be stopping by on July 23rd to raise money. Cheryl Hurd reports.

Oakland may have a tarnished reputation but behind all the negative press and flashing police lights, but many Oakland residents have what President Obama needs: money.

And President Obama needs lots of it. Good thing many of the Oakland and Piedmont Democratic supporters he's courting, have it.

Some people don’t like to admit it, but Oakland gets the reputation of being the city filled with high crime, a huge foreclosure rate and high unemployment. That may be true, but there’s another side of Oakland that people don’t talk about.

High crime grabs headlines but the president’s visit in the heart of downtown Oakland is proof that Oakland and the east bay have deep pockets and democratic supporters have money to give.

"The discouraging thing is he’s here it maybe we don’t get a single public event out of this. Nobody will be able to go just for free and see the president. That’s not the case when he’s in the battle ground state," said Henry Brady, Dean of Public Policy at UC Berkeley.

Obama will visit that battle ground on July 23.

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