Occupy SF Rejects Offer of Campsite

San Francisco offers to relocate protesters.

It really is all about location, location, location.

San Francisco city government, in an attempt to retain Justin Herman Plaza, offered the Occupy San Francisco protesters access to a city-owned lot in the Mission. Occupy refused.

According to SFGate.com, the city would have paid the school district for use of the site, handing the keys to Occupy and hope the 150 tents in the plaza would move to 1950 Mission St.

Ultimately the visibility of being on the edge of the Financial District outweighed access to Port-a-Potties and a chain link fence.

The city also wanted to include a "long list of rules," which some protesters were going to skirt anyway, according to them. They also removed many tents from a stretch of Market Street during the Thanksgiving weekend.

Protesters told the Gate, "They can't tell us how to protest, or where to protest." Another indicative quote: "They want us out of sight, out of mind."

Police raided Occupy movements in Los Angeles yesterday, and Philadelphia today.

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