On a Jury? Lawyers Will Check Your Facebook

In hopes of finding the best jury members, both defense and prosecution lawyers are checking out potential jurors on Facebook.

Both sides are looking for what they "watch on television, their interests and hobbies, and how religious they are," reported the Wall Street Journal. Jury consultants don't want jurors with strong opinions who might sway a jury, while some prosecutors don't want people who extensively watch crime dramas on television. Other things lawyers look for:

Favorite TV or radio shows. Some DAs say crime programs might give a misguided idea of how the justice system works.

Rants. People who have strong opinions and no qualms about sharing them could try to dominate the jury's discussions.

Tweet levels. Lawyers worry that people prone to detailing their lives online will chatter about jury deliberations.

Friends. May include people who might influence opinions— or reveal links to parties to the case that should automatically disqualify

Facebook can also be used during divorce cases to milk alimony, while juvenile court judges might use it to garner more information on a defendant.

In short, if your Facebook profile is public, it can be used against you in a court of law.

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