Report: Organic, Not All It's Cracked Up to Be

People who eat organic food may not be getting any more health benefits than regular produce.

A study done by a team from Stanford University's medical department found little evidence that organic food was more nutritious.   But they did say the reduced risk of pesticides was its major highlight, although most regular foods fell below government safety limits.     Researchers went over thousands of papers and journals for their study.   They found there were few long term studies being done on the matter.   Most studies only lasted for a few days to a few years.

The Stanford researchers say their work wasn't meant to discourage consumers from purchasing organic food.   They say the before mentioned lack of pesticides and a slightly different taste are just some of the benefits.

They say if people want to live a healthy lifestyle, they should eat more fruits and vegetables whether it's organic or not.    Most people do not consume the recommended daily allowance.

The Organic Consumers Association has disputed the findings.

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