PG&E Announces Alert System For Power Shutoffs

People who have property in the Bay Area but don't live there can get alerts about PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoffs, even if they get their power from another utility, PG&E officials said Thursday.

The new tool may be useful for tenants, travelers, caretakers and parents of school-age children.

PG&E developed the new tool because any PG&E customer could be affected by a Public Safety Power Shutoff since the energy system must work in unison across cities, counties and regions.

The power shutoff program has been expanded to include all power lines that go through high fire-threat areas.

The new alert system allows people to select an alert for one or more zip codes where their property or properties are located. Or people can select all ZIP codes in PG&E's service area.

When a power shutoff is planned for a certain zip code, PG&E will send out an alert telling people how to find out whether power at their address will be shut off.

"We recognize how important it is that everyone who could be impacted by a Public Safety Power Shutoff is aware and prepared," Aaron Johnson, PG&E vice president in electric operations, said in a statement.

"We are pleased to launch this capability that gives everyone, not just customers, the option to take action and stay safe when we turn off power for safety."

Anyone with a PG&E account doesn't need to take any action if they are concerned only about the address where they receive their bill, according to the utility.

PG&E will alert those who sign up with an automated call. Text and email alerts will be available in the future.

More information on the alert program can be found at Anyone who wants to sign up can call 1-877-9000-PGE.

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