Play Lottery, Win Meal at French Laundry

Winning this lottery involves no numbers.

Aside from 18: the number of courses at the French Laundry the winner will dine upon.

The San Jose Mercury News reports, starting Jan. 5, the California Lottery will reward one lucky and literary lottery player with a meal at Thomas Keller's famed French Laundry.

All one need do is play an Emerald 10's Scratcher, take a selfie, or other photograph featuring one's self, along with a 500-character caption. What kind of caption? "The best caption they've ever written," according to lottery officials," telling us who they'd share this exceptional dinner with and why."

The single prize, on top of the dinner, includes a two-night stay in Napa at a spa, a special gift from Thomas Keller, and a ride to the restaurant – and the wine pairings for each 18 courses – via a BMW, the newspaper reported.

That's a $6,500 value, according to the lottery.

The French Laundry, it should be noted, has three Michelin stars -- and such a meal costs about $2,500 alone.

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