Quan's Facebook Gets Occupied

Haters cause Quan to shut down page.

Jean Quan's Facebook page is no more. The Oakland Mayor tweeted yesterday that the page will be shut down, after it was overrun by angry wall posts.

The tweet posted a link to the City of Oakland website, if anyone is interested in contacting the Mayor, however, folks have just moved to sending her hate mail on other social media outlets, like Twitter.

Her tweet about killing the Facebook page was met with a replies like this one from @SoulCollabBeats, saying,  "@jeanquan That's right, Jean. Just like every other Oakland mayor. Fold under pressure. That's what we're used to."

According to the East Bay Express, they counted about 90 more similar unpleasant comments in the hour following the announcement.

Her YouTube account has more of the same with comments like "you are an embarrassment. resign." 

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