Real Life Super Heroes on the Streets of SF

Justin Juul over at the Bold Italic spent a night hanging out on the streets of San Francisco, with some Real Life Super Heroes.

No really. The Real Life Super Hero movement started in 2008, shortly after the "Kick-Ass" comic book was released. The organization is a collection of everyday citizens who don super hero costumes, and roam their city looking for crime.

Believe it or not there are over 250 of these brave folks worldwide. There's Axle Grinder Man in London, Nyx, a female hero in New York, and here in San Francisco Motor Mouth and his crew which includes Nightbug and Justified.

As you browse the Real Life Super Hero page, you can check out the costumes some of these cats have constructed. Some are rather impressive, like the one Death's Head Moth wears as he patrols an unnamed city in Virginia.

And these people are serious about what they do. Motor Mouth has been threatened and beat up doing his part to rid the streets of crime. In Juul's article, he describes walking the streets of the Tenderloin in the middle of the night, approaching crackheads and running into the police (who don't care for the masked method of crime-fighting.) 

“Our relationship with the police department is tenuous at best,” Motor Mouth said.

While you're thinking what I'm thinking, "These guys are gonna get killed," they do take some precautions. Motor Mouth, for instance carries a pocketknife, mace and a pair of Blast Knuckles which are like brass knuckles but with a 950,000 volt taser built in.

Maybe they're just over-zealous comic book fans, but they do seem to do some good. So if you see a group of caped crusaders walking the streets, don't heckle them, because they just might save your life one day.

Juul's full article at the Bold Italic

The Real Life Super Hero website


HEROES OF THE NIGHT from Justin Juul on Vimeo.

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