Record-Setting Heat Hits Bay Area

The warmest day of the week will hit the Bay Area Wednesday with temperatures expected to climb an additional 4 to 8 degrees from Tuesday’s highs. Jeff Ranieri and Jean Elle report.

Unseasonably warm weather in the Bay Area is expected for the next several days, according to the National Weather Service.

Highs are likely to be near record-setting levels with interior locations in the 90s, according to forecasters.

A strong ridge of high pressure over California will produce the hottest temperatures in the valleys of southern Monterey County. Temperatures there may reach 100, the National Weather Service said.

Bay Area temperatures began to significantly increase on Tuesday.

People working outdoors are encouraged to use caution, take frequent breaks, try to avoid being outside during the hottest times of day, and drink plenty of water. Residents are encouraged to check on friends, neighbors and relatives during severe heat waves, officials said.

Residents are reminded not to leaving children or pets in an unattended vehicle, even with the windows rolled down.

While wind does not yet appear to be strong enough to create a significantly elevated risk of wildfires, residents should remove flammable vegetation located within 30 feet of their homes, according to CalFire.

See how some Bay Area residents cooled off from the warm weather in Jean Elle's video report above.

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